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Andrew Douglas

Andrew Douglas

All Strong Scotland CIC

All Strong Scotland CIC

Fitness & Wellbeing


As Perth's not-for-profit fitness & wellbeing enterprise, our main focus is on improving the mental health and overall wellbeing of local residents, and in particular those suffering from common mental health conditions including anxiety, depression, chronic stress, low self-esteem and low mood, as well as unpaid carers.

This is achieved through our blended approach of physical activity, simple relaxation and peer exchange and connection.

We also help people to overcome barriers to activity by providing play area and supervision allowing parents of babies and toddlers to get a great workout while their wee ones have fun.

By bringing together small groups of peers, emphasising the benefits to mental & physical health and wellbeing in a relaxed and welcoming environment, we enable people to become and stay active. Physical activity, relaxation techniques and peer support are powerful tools of self-management, recovery and prevention for a wide variety of mental health conditions, and by combining them in our progressive programmes delivered in our tailor-made setting, we are holding open a wide and welcoming door to greater wellbeing.

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